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    Simpson Co Technical Center

    3415 SIMPSON HWY 49

    MENDENHALL, MS 39114

    (601) 847-8011


    The Simpson County School District (SCSD) does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, including those with limited English proficiency, sex, disability, or age in its programs or activities. Career and technical education program offerings include: Agriculture and Natural Resources, Business Marketing and Finance, Construction/Carpentry, Diesel Technology, Health Information Technology, Healthcare and Clinical Services, Law and Public Safety, Metal Fabrication, and Polymer Science. Inquiries regarding SCSD’s non-discrimination policies may be directed to Dr. Furlinda Travis, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources and Operations/Title IX Coordinator, (, and Veronica Brown, Section 504 Coordinator, (, at 111 Education Lane, Mendenhall, MS 39114, 601-847-8000.
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